Giving you easy, unrestricted access to shop and make payments worldwide!

  • Turn your Naira into USD spend Anywhere at Anytime.
  • Sign up to get started.

Enjoy Stress-Free Shopping

Shop at Amazon, ASOS, eBay,Backmarket, AliExpress, and your other favorite stores. With our virtual cards, you can cover monthly subscriptions smoothly, including Spotify, Apple Music, Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, and many others.

Going on vacation?

With Respectmart virtual cards, you can spend anywhere you’re vacating in the world that allows the use of Mastercards. Also use at your favorite restaurants SPAs and interesting places.

Play online games without hassles

Use your card to play games and buy items on popular gaming networks like Steam, PlayStation Plus, eSports, Xbox Live, and many others.

Why should go with Us?

  • We offer the best pricing among all
  • Buy items on app stores
  • Amazon, aliexpress or any online store
  • Keep tab on all your spending

So get ready to Sign Up

  • Fund your PayPal, Wise, and Payoneer accounts and pay for items with ease
  • Freeze your virtual card whenever you want
  • Keep your money safe and secure
  • Monitor your spending with instant alerts
  • Enjoy unrestricted access to your money
  • 24-7 live customer support


Transaction Value Authorization Fee
$1 - $80 $1
$81 - $150 $2
$151 - $500 $3
$501 - $1000 $5
Above 1000 $5
Authorization fees is charged whenever you have a successful transaction.

Descriptions Virtual USD Cards
What is the minimum amount per funding? $ 10
What is the maximum amount per funding? $ 250
Maximum card balance $ 10,000

Card Issuing Fee: $2
Monthly Maintenance: $2
Transaction Fee: 2%
yes, use your card to purchase an app on the App Store or Google Play. You don’t have to worry about any hidden charges or fees.
You can create as many as 5 unique virtual cards to help keep an eye on all of your different transactions, including subscriptions, ads, shopping, and others.